A new home for CurseForge
We’re excited to announce that CurseForge is joining the Overwolf pack!
Read the full announcementWe’re excited to announce that CurseForge is joining the Overwolf pack!
Read the full announcementManage mods and addons in the new dedicated CurseForge app for PC and Mac.
Learn more about the development processOverwolf is a framework that enables 3rd party creators to build, share, and earn a living from
What's going to happen to mods management in the Twitch client?
Over the next few months CurseForge will transition out of the Twitch client and into a new dedicated app on Overwolf. Until then, mod management will still be available via the Twitch client.
How will I upload and manage my mods?
The tools authors use to upload and manage mods will remain completely unaffected.
I have some ideas, who could I talk to?
That's great, we'd love hearing them! Please share your ideas over Discord.
CurseForge is a long standing community, with gamers relying on it for over a decade. While we’re committed to making The CurseForge App the best mod manager out there, we want to tread carefully, respecting what you all know and love.
We want you to know you will always be heard.
We're asigning a dedicated team to building the CurseForge app for Windows and Mac. We'll start with everythign as-is, and gradually add features based on community feedback. Learn more
We strongly believe that creators who build awesome products used by gamers worldwide should be able to make a decent living off of their work. With that in mind we are pledging that authors will earn 50% more than what they’re making today by 2022! Learn more.
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