Privacy, Personal Data & Consent

CurseForge Account Transfer Process

As part of the transition of CurseForge from Twitch to Overwolf, we’re putting together an account transfer process to provide users with clear choices about what happens to their CurseForge accounts. Curseforge will be sharing more information directly soon, but we wanted to preview what will be happening over the coming weeks.

As part of this process, you will have the following options:

  • Do nothing - if you do not opt out of the account transfer process, your CurseForge account will be transferred to Overwolf. This means your account will continue working as-is after the transition.
  • Opt out of the account transfer process - your account data will not be shared with Overwolf if you opt out, which means that you won’t be able to access your account on the CurseForge website and app.
  • If you opt out, a secure copy of your data stays with Twitch for a while, then will be deleted.

Please feel free to reach out over Discord for any additional questions. If you’re interested in learning more about Overwolf’s policies in keeping your data safe, you’re welcome to read more